I've been a bit slow with this blog, partly due to a tenuous internet connection, partly because I've been staying in the big city of Birmingham for the last 10 days, partly because I've been working my way through a massive pile of Easter chocolate.So apologies for the delay! My main focus over the last week has been my Saltburn commission,which i mentioned a few blogs ago.
It took quite a while for me to work out the layout of this piece, as I'm making it for someone in particular, and they wanted a number of specific things featured in the picture. But i think i've finally worked it out, and I'm just about ready to start the cutting phase (my favourite bit!).
Here are the initial sketches...
Once I'm happy with that, I transfer the design onto the back of the map...
Once it's all cut out I can work out the size of the piece, and start painting the individual sections of the map. I already have two other pieces all cut up and ready to be arranged on board and stuck down, so very soon I will have a good stack of big pieces, ready to go to a gallery (hopefully...).
A few weeks ago I ran my Cards, Tags and Decorative Papercrafts workshop at Artison. We had a great day, everyone enjoyed themselves, and everyone produced some brilliant things to take home, including handprinted wrapping paper, tissue flowers and collaged cards. Here's some of the great work..
Thats all from me, enjoy the beautiful weather everyone!
Like the way the Saltburn piece is shaping up.