I've had quite a busy few weeks developing my pinned pictures as previewed in the last blog, while preparing for workshops, developing my first installation and planning exhibitions for 2013!
First things first, my pinned pieces are coming along very nicely - I'm really enjoying experimenting with the depths and shadows, the only draw back so far is that they're pretty impossible to store so my living room table is covered! They're also fairly difficult to handle until the pins have been clipped (a slightly unnerving process in itself) but I'm sure once they're in frames they'll look great. The complete collection so far can be viewed on my Facebook page, and you will be able to see them in person in the Treasure exhibition, which opens at Masham Gallery on November the 17th.
The Doric Temple, Duncombe Park, Helmsley |
Fishers Hall, Hackfall |
The Temple Folly, Wensleydale |
In the last blog I mentioned that I'd been invited to create an installation, on display for one day only as part of the Crafted by Hand fair at Masham Town Hall on October 28th. The deadline is fast approaching and things are looking good, although I have hit a few unexpected obstacles along the way. I'm sure when the day comes I'll have everything under control...! In the mean time here's the latest photo evidence.
Last but by any means least, myself and fellow artist Charlotte Morrison have just confirmed the dates and title for our joint exhibition at Fountains Abbey next year. Down Hidden Tracks will be on display in Fountains Hall (pictured below) from the 12th to the 26th of September 2013. The exhibition is inspired by the hidden, secret and unusual aspects of the northern landscape. Charlotte will be producing a new range of contemporary ceramics, exploring maps, trails and pathways, while I will be exploring the easily overlooked but often bizarre and wonderful follies which crop up around the northeast and northwest. More details to follow...
Rosie x
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